张 岩.辽宁省肿瘤医院医疗联盟基本框架与发展思考[J].中国肿瘤,2013,22(8):627-630.
The Framework and Development of Liaoning Provincial Cancer Hospital Alliance: Introduction and Considerations
中文关键词:  公立医院改变  医疗联盟  医疗资源  辽宁
英文关键词:public hospital reform  hospital alliance  medical resources  Liaoning
张 岩 辽宁省肿瘤医院 
摘要点击次数: 2335
全文下载次数: 1182
      摘 要:随着医改的深入,特别是卫生部提出“医联体”模式后,大型公立医院集团化的走向,将是公立医院改革的一个重要课题。辽宁省肿瘤医院作为辽宁省癌症中心、辽宁省肿瘤防治办公室的牵头单位,成立了辽宁省肿瘤医院联盟,迈出了专科医院集团化探索的第一步。实行医院集团化的目的是将城市优质医疗资源下沉,规范全省肿瘤诊疗,实现技术优化,扩大优质资源存量,实现各级医院的功能定位,重建基层首诊、分级医疗、双向转诊的医疗秩序,提高百姓技术利用的可及性,降低群众就医费用。在集团化的过程中,要结合实际分步推进,建立起统一的肿瘤防治自律维权体系,并最终向法人治理结构迈进。
      Abstract: Collectivization of large public hospitals is an important issue in the medical reform of the public hospitals after the model of ‘hospital alliance’ was proposed by the Ministry of Health. The establishment of ‘Liaoning provincial cancer hospital alliance’ under the leadership of Liaoning cancer hospital is the first step of hospital collectivization such reform. The purposes of collectivization are to transfer the high quality medical resources in urban areas to lower levels,optimize the structure of medical resources,and improve the technical levels in basic level hospitals. For the development of Liaoning cancer hospital alliance,we should popularize the advanced and standardized technologies,increase the quantities of qualified resources,re-establish the system of first visiting in basic hospitals,grading services,and two-way referral,improve the availability and accessibility of the qualified medical services and reduce the medical expense for cancer patients.It’s important to develop step by step considering the actual conditions in the process of collectivilazation,establish an uniform and self-discipline system,and finally the corporate governance structure.
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