斯垚翔,钱 虹,刘玉琴.甘肃省2010年白血病发病和死亡分析[J].中国肿瘤,2015,24(2):81-88.
An Analysis of the Incidence and Mortality of Leukemia in Gansu,2010
中文关键词:  白血病  发病率  死亡率  趋势  甘肃
英文关键词:cancer registry  leukemia  incidence  mortality  Gansu
斯垚翔 兰州市七里河区疾病预防控制中心 
钱 虹 兰州大学第一医院 
刘玉琴 甘肃省肿瘤医院 
摘要点击次数: 2498
全文下载次数: 1149
      摘 要:[目的] 探讨2010年甘肃省白血病发病、死亡水平。[方法] 2013年甘肃省肿瘤登记中心共收集7个肿瘤登记处提交的2010年肿瘤登记资料,计算地区别、性别、年龄别发病(死亡)率、标化发病(死亡)率、构成比、累积发病(死亡)率、中标率及世标率。采用Joinpoint预测模型对白血病发病流行趋势进行分析。[结果] 2010年甘肃省白血病新发病例132例,发病率为2.94/10 万,占全部恶性肿瘤发病的0.18%。城市地区白血病发病率为2.82/10 万,农村地区发病率为4.29/10万,农村白血病发病率是城市的1.52倍。甘肃省白血病死亡率为1.21/10 万;占全部恶性肿瘤死亡的0.20%。城市地区白血病死亡率为0.90/10 万,农村地区死亡率为4.57/10万,农村白血病死亡率是城市的5.07倍;白血病好发于儿童组和老年组。 [结论] 儿童和老年人以及农村人群应为甘肃省白血病的防治重点。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To evaluate the incidence and mortality of leukemia in Gansu,2010. [Methods] On basis of the criteria of data quality from The National Central Cancer Registry of Gansu (GSCCR),and there were 7 registries’ data qualified and accepted for cancer registry were annual report in 2010. Leukemia incidence and mortality stratified by areas (urban/rural),gender,age group and cancer site were analyzed,and proportion,cumulative rate,age-standardized mortality rates by Chinese standard population(ASR China) and by world standard population(ASR world) were calculated respectively. [Results] The newly diagnosed leukemia cases was 132,the crude incidence was 2.94/105,accounted for 0.18% of the total. The crude incidence of leukemia in urban area and in rural was 2.82/105 and 4.29/105 respectively. The crude incidence in rural area was 1.52 times in urban area. The mortality of leukemia was 1.21/105,accounted for 0.20% of the total. The mortality of leukemia in urban area and in rural area was 0.90/105 and 4.57/105 respectively. The mortality in rural area was 5.07 times in urban area. Children group and elderly group with high incidence of leukemia. [Conclusion] Children,elderly and rural populations are the high risk for leukemia in Gansu.
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