黑 虎,秦建武.甲状腺乳头状癌颈侧区清扫术治疗现状[J].中国肿瘤,2015,24(6):448-451.
Current Treatment Status of Lateral Neck Dissection in Papillary Thyroid Cancer
中文关键词:  甲状腺乳头状癌  侧颈部  淋巴结清扫
英文关键词:papillary thyroid cancer  lateral neck compartment  neck dissection
黑 虎 郑州大学附属肿瘤医院河南省肿瘤医院 
秦建武 郑州大学附属肿瘤医院河南省肿瘤医院 
摘要点击次数: 2469
全文下载次数: 944
      摘 要:甲状腺乳头状癌容易发生颈部淋巴结转移,侧颈部是常见受累部位之一。颈部清扫术是治疗甲状腺癌颈转移的标准手段,但其清扫范围存在争议,应视颈部淋巴结转移的不同区域而定。广泛的侧颈部转移,建议治疗性的改良根治性颈清扫;颈部淋巴结转移不广泛者,特别是术前影像学检查或查体未发现ⅡB区和ⅤA区转移者,建议行ⅡA、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、ⅤB区的择区性颈清扫;cN0患者不主张行预防性颈清扫术。建议同时采用cN分期和pN分期来区别对待颈部淋巴结。
      Abstract:Papillary thyroid cancer is prone to cervical lymph node metastasis. One of the regions that are commonly involved is lateral neck compartment. The standard procedure for oncologic treatment of cervical metastases is neck dissection. However,the extent of neck dissection is controversial with the different levels of cervical lymph node involvement. Therapeutic modified radical neck dissection is recommended for cases of gross node metastasis,while selective neck dissection including level ⅡA,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,and ⅤB is recommended for those without evidence of involvement in level ⅡB and level ⅤA by preoperative imaging or clinical evaluation. Prophylactic neck dissection is not recommended for lymph node-negative patients. To distinguish different status of neck lymph nodes,combined utilization of clinical and pathologic nodal staging is proposed.
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