Influencing Factors of Rural Women’s Cervical Cancer Screening Behavior Intention Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior
中文关键词:  宫颈癌筛查  农村妇女  计划行为理论  偏最小二乘法结构方程模型  江苏
英文关键词:cervical cancer screening  rural women  theory of planned behavior  the partial least square structural equation model  Jiangsu
孙艳君 南京医科大学马克思主义学院/医学人文研究院 
扈芷晴 南京医科大学马克思主义学院/医学人文研究院 
马宇昊 南京医科大学马克思主义学院/医学人文研究院 
秦邦辉 南京医科大学马克思主义学院/医学人文研究院 
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      摘 要:[目的] 构建基于计划行为理论的农村妇女宫颈癌筛查行为意向拓展模型,探讨农村妇女宫颈癌筛查行为意向的影响因素。[方法] 通过方便抽样的方法分别在苏北、苏中、苏南3个地区共抽取7个调查点获取农村妇女样本,用偏最小二乘法结构方程模型评估研究假设和研究模型。[结果] 共获取3 042个有效样本,问卷内部信度和效度、结构模型拟合度良好。模型验证结果表明,行为意向的方差解释率为40.7%,主观规范(β=0.345,P<0.001)是农村妇女参与宫颈癌筛查行为意向的最强烈影响因素,其次是过去的筛查行为(β=0.175,P<0.001)、知觉行为控制(β=0.168,P<0.001)、态度(β=0.144,P<0.001)、知识(β=0.131,P<0.001)。村卫生室或乡镇卫生院供方因素对农村妇女态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制产生积极影响,并通过态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制影响行为意向。知识、过去的筛查行为分别与态度、知觉行为控制呈正相关关系,并分别通过态度、知觉行为控制影响行为意向。[结论] 计划行为理论对农村妇女宫颈癌筛查行为具有良好的解释力和预测力,要改善农村妇女态度,引导其主观规范和知觉行为控制。同时,要发挥村卫生室或乡镇卫生院供方因素、知识、过去的筛查行为协同作用。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To explore the influencing factors of intention for cervical cancer screening(CCS) in rural women based on the theory of planned behavior(TPB). [Methods] A convenience sampling method was used to recruit the women living in rural areas of 7 survey sites form Northern, Central and Southern regions of Jiangsu Province. The partial least square structural equation model(PLS-SEM) was used to evaluate research hypotheses and research model. [Results] A total of 3 042 women were recruited in the study. The internal reliability and validity of measurement model were adequate and the research model was rational. About 40.7% of variance in CCS intention was explained. The findings showed that subjective norm(SN)(β=0.345, P<0.001) was the strongest predictor of rural women’s CCS intention followed by the past behavior(PB)(β=0.175, P<0.001), perceived behavioral control(PBC)(β=0.168, P<0.001), attitude(β=0.144, P<0.001) and the knowledge(β=0.131, P<0.001). The supply-side factors of village clinics and township health centers(SSF) had a positive effect on attitude, SN and PBC and also associated with CCS intention through these three factors. Knowledge and PB were positively associated with attitude and PBC and had an effect on CCS intention through these two factors. [Conclusion] The theory of planned behavior can well explain and predict CCS intention of rural women. The study indicates that to raise the intention for cervical cancer screening, the attitude, SN and PBC should be improved;and the synergistic role of SSF, knowledge and PB should be fully played.
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