田 伟,杜阳峰,郭 芬,等.湖南省常德市肿瘤专科建设情况调查分析[J].中国肿瘤,2022,31(7):556-561.
Survey on Construction Status of Oncology Department in Changde City of Hunan Province
中文关键词:  肿瘤专科  调查研究  放疗  湖南
英文关键词:oncology department  survey  radiotherapy  Hunan
基金项目:湖南省创新平台与人才计划(2020SK4021);湖南省临床医疗技术创新引导项目(2020SSK50204);湖南省卫健委卫生适宜技术推广项目(202218015821);常德市科技创新发展指导性计划项目(2018ZD15, 2020ZD111)
田 伟 常德市第一人民医院 
郭 芬  
摘要点击次数: 429
全文下载次数: 105
      摘 要: [目的] 分析常德市医疗机构肿瘤专科建设现状。[方法] 2020年4月至7月,常德市医学会肿瘤专业委员会通过线上问卷的方式对常德市医疗机构开展肿瘤专科基本情况调查,了解肿瘤科室基本建设情况与放疗专业建设情况。[结果] 本次问卷回收率100.00%,所有数据共经过三次确认。常德市开设肿瘤专科或合并科室的医疗单位共19家,其中近5年新开8家。大部分单位均能常规开展肿瘤化疗、免疫治疗、靶向治疗和微创介入治疗等技术。19家单位开设病区至少1个(20张编制床位),最多5个(152张编制床位),病床数共计1 270张,年收治肿瘤患者31 271人次。从业人员共计558人,其中医生179人,护士327人,医技人员52人(部分兼职)。肿瘤科平均医护比和护床比分别为0.53∶1和0.29∶1。常德市共有放射治疗科或单元9家,能常规开展二维放疗与三维适形放疗等技术,年收治放疗患者3 111例。[结论] 常德市开设肿瘤专科的医疗单位数、专科规模、从业人员、开展技术、收治人数等均呈上升态势。肿瘤诊疗服务能力有所提升,但未来要加强放射治疗专业和多学科协作的建设。
      Abstract: [Purpose] To investigate the current situation of oncology department construction in medical institutions in Changde City of Hunan Province. [Methods] From April to July 2020,the basic information about the construction of oncology department and the radiotherapy discipline were obtained by online questionnaire survey conducted by The Oncology Committee of Changde Medical Association. [Results] The recovery rate of questionnaires was 100.00%, and the quality of data was checked. All 19 hospitals with oncology departments or combined departments in Changde City participated in the survey,including 8 hospitals with newly established oncology departments in the past five years. Almost all modalities of cancer treatment including chemotherapy,radiotherapy,immunotherapy,targeted therapy and minimally invasive interventional therapy were available in the region. There were at least 1 oncology ward(20 prepared beds) and up to 5 wards(152 prepared beds) in each hospital with a total of 1 270 oncology beds. In 2019, 31 271 cancer patients were hospitalized,and 3 111 patients received radiotherapy. There were 558 medical workers in the oncology department in Changde City,including 179 clinical oncologists,327 nurses,52 medical technicians(part of them hold a concurrent post). The average medical care ratio and nurse bed ratio were 0.53∶1 and 0.29∶1. There were 9 hospitals had the radiotherapy service in Changde City, which can routinely carry out two-dimensional radiotherapy and 3D-CRT and average 3 111 patients received the service yearly. [Conclusion] The number of oncology departments, the scale of the specialty, the number of employees, the new techniques performed and the number of patients admitted in oncology departments in Changde City show an increasing trend. Although the service capacity of cancer diagnosis and treatment has been improved,the efficacy of radiotherapy and the multidisciplinary team should be further strengthened in the future.
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