刘 灿,孟祥瑞,王 峰.胃癌分子分型的研究进展[J].肿瘤学杂志,2018,24(12):1141-1146.
Research Progress on Molecular Classification of Gastric Cancer
中文关键词:  胃肿瘤  分子分型  预后
英文关键词:gastric cancer  molecular classification  prognosis
刘 灿 郑州大学第一附属医院 
孟祥瑞 郑州大学第一附属医院 
王 峰 郑州大学第一附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 1900
全文下载次数: 543
      摘 要:胃癌异质性强,预后差,TNM分期目前仍是预测患者预后的金标准。随着新一代测序技术和其他分子生物学方法的出现,有关胃癌分子分型的研究正深入开展。高通量技术的发展实现了全面研究胃癌相关的新型基因突变、染色体改变及表观遗传学改变。更精细的分子分型已打破常规组织分型,无论是已经明确的Tan基因分型、Shah基因分型、新加坡基因分型、TCGA基因分型和ACRG基因分型,或是从免疫特征、肿瘤基质、miroRNA、信号通路、克隆、风险评分模型等各个不同层面进行与预后相关的胃癌分子分型的探索,都能够让我们重新认识胃癌的生物学本质,指导未来以分子分型为基础的个体化治疗及更好的预后评估。
      Abstract:Gastric cancer has high heterogeneity and poor prognosis. TNM staging is still the gold standard for predicting the prognosis of patients currently. With the emergence of next generation sequencing technology and other molecular biological methods,researches on molecular typing of gastric cancer is being carried out in depth. The development of high-throughput technology has facilitated the comprehensive study of novel gene mutations,chromosome alterations and epigenetic changes in gastric cancer. Finer molecular typing has broken conventional tissue typing, whether it is well-defined Tan genotyping,Shah genotyping,Singapore genotyping,TCGA genotyping and ACRG genotyping,or the exploration of prognosis-associated molecular typing of gastric cancer from immunological characteristics,tumor stroma,miroRNA,signaling pathways,cloning,risk scoring models,and other aspects,all of these can allow us to futher recognize the biological nature of gastric cancer,to precisely guide the individualized treatment based on molecular typing and better prognostic assessment in the future.
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