Expert Consensus on Establishment of Standardized Treatment of Cancer Pain at Demonstration Hospitals in Zhejiang Province
中文关键词:  癌痛/药物疗法  癌症治疗设施/组织和管理  卫生信息管理
英文关键词:cancer pain/drug therapy  cancer care facilities/organization and administration  health information management
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      摘 要:根据我国癌痛规范化治疗现状和国内外最新癌痛诊疗相关的权威指南、共识,结合浙江省在癌痛规范化治疗和癌痛规范化治疗示范病房创建中积累的临床实践和管理经验,浙江省抗癌协会癌痛专业委员形成了共识,主要内容包括:癌痛信息化管理,癌痛规范化治疗示范医院创建管理制度化的相关内容,规范化的患者教育和知情同意制度,癌痛评估的“常规、量化、全面、动态”原则,阿片类药物的剂量滴定,爆发痛的管理,癌痛药物治疗,多学科团队合作,规范化药学服务与药事管理,规范化护理和患者随访。本共识不仅涉及癌痛规范化治疗的临床实践,也涵盖了与医院建设和信息化管理相关的内容,与癌痛全程管理密切相关,涉及癌痛患者、医生、护士、药师和医院管理者。浙江省抗癌协会癌痛专业委员会希望本共识可以为创建癌痛规范化治疗示范医院提供全面的指导,有效解决癌痛规范化治疗示范医院创建工作中遇到的问题,为我国癌痛患者获得高质量的规范化诊疗服务和实现我国癌痛治疗“零差异”提供助力。
      Abstract: According to the present situation of standardized treatment of cancer pain in China as well as the latest international and national authoritative guidelines and consensuses on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer pain,on the basis of the clinical practice and management experiences accumulated in the establishment of standardized treatment of cancer pain and demonstration wards for standardized treatment of cancer pain in Zhejiang Province,the Cancer Pain Professional Committee of Zhejiang Anticancer Association has reached the following consensus. The main contents of the consensus include information management of cancer pain,regulations on the establishment and organized management of demonstration hospitals for cancer pain standardized treatment,standardized patient education and informed consent system,“conventional,quantitative,comprehensive,and dynamic” principles in cancer pain assessment,titration of opioids,management of breakthrough pain,drug treatment of cancer pain,multidisciplinary team work,standardized pharmaceutical care and pharmaceutical management,and standardized nursing and patient follow-up. It not only involves the clinical practice of standardized treatment of cancer pain but also covers the contents related to hospital establishment and information management.The consensus is closely related to the whole process of cancer pain management,involving cancer pain patients,doctors,nurses,pharmacists,and hospital managers. The Cancer Pain Professional Committee of Zhejiang Anticancer Association hopes that this consensus may comprehensively guide the establishment of a demonstration hospital for standardized treatment of cancer pain and may help solving related problems effectively,providing high-quality standardized diagnosis and treatment services to cancer pain patients,and achieving“zero difference” in cancer pain treatment in China.
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