徐 栋.浙江省肿瘤医院超声医学科学科建设20年回眸[J].肿瘤学杂志,2023,29(4):263-269.
Retrospect and Prospect: 20-Years’ Development of Ultrasound Department in Zhejiang Cancer Hospital
中文关键词:  超声介入  消融  肿瘤  浙江省肿瘤医院
英文关键词:ultrasound intervention  ablation  tumor  Zhejiang Cancer Hospital
徐 栋 浙江省肿瘤医院中国科学院基础医学与肿瘤研究所 
摘要点击次数: 434
全文下载次数: 70
      摘 要:浙江省肿瘤医院超声医学科是国内肿瘤专科医院较早开展超声诊疗的科室之一。经过近20年的发展,科室已发展成为集医疗、教学、科研为一体的超声诊疗中心。超声医学科开展的超声介入技术,涵盖了穿刺活检、引流、全身多脏器的消融手术、粒子植入,以及联合治疗手段开展消融联合门脉栓塞、消融联合近距离插植放疗、消融联合免疫治疗、纳米刀技术等,使得科室近年的介入超声水平得以迅猛发展,造福了更多患者。多项消融指南的发表也奠定了超声医学科团队在业内的领先地位。全文梳理了过去20年科室的发展历程,回望过去,展望未来。
      Abstract: Department of Ultrasonography in Zhejiang Cancer Hospital founded in 1983, is one of the early units engaged in ultrasound diagnosis and therapy in cancer hospitals in China. In past 20 years the department has developed as a center for medical care, education and academic research in field of ultrasound diagnosis and treatment. Particularly, the advanced ultrasound interventional techniques has been widely used in the department at present, including puncture biopsy, drainage, ablation surgery, particle implantation; as well as ablation combined with portal embolization, near-implantation radiotherapy, immunotherapy or nano-knife, etc. The advances of interventional ultrasound techniques in the department has brought great benefits for patients. The department has also been involved in the development of several national and international expert consensus and clinical guidelines of ultrasound diagnosis and treatment for various tumors, which markers its nationwide frontier academic position. This paper reviews the growth and development of ultrasound department in Zhejiang Cancer Hospital over past 20 years and its prospect in the future.
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