Research Advances on Imaging of Breast Non-Mass Lesions
中文关键词:  乳腺肿瘤  非肿块病变  磁共振  超声  乳腺X线
英文关键词:breast tumour  non-mass lesions  magnetic resonance imaging  ultrasonic  mammography
陈晓冰 杭州市临平区第一人民医院 
包凌云 西湖大学医学院附属杭州市第一人民医院 
摘要点击次数: 129
全文下载次数: 51
      摘 要:乳腺非肿块病变(non-mass lesions,NML)是一组特殊的乳腺病变,由于其影像学表现不具备肿块特征,易漏诊和误诊。随着影像技术的不断进步,近年来乳腺NML的诊断受到临床的关注。乳腺恶性肿瘤如导管原位癌、浸润性小叶癌等,良性病变如腺病、炎症等均可表现为NML,良恶性NML之间的影像学特征有较多重叠。超声、乳腺X线、磁共振等不同影像学方法在诊断与鉴别诊断中各有优劣,运用单一影像检查手段识别和鉴别NML存在一定困难。为了提高乳腺NML影像学诊断准确性,特别是运用多模态影像技术识别早期乳腺癌,避免漏诊及不必要的手术,全文对乳腺NML的影像学特征以及研究进展进行综述。
      Abstract: Non-mass lesions(NML) of the breast are a group of breast lesions lacking special imaging features, which are likely to be missed and misdiagnosed. With the progress of imaging technology, clinical attention has been paid to the diagnosis of breast NML in recent years. Malignant breast tumors such as ductal carcinoma in situ, invasive lobular carcinoma, benign lesions such as adenosis and inflammation would present as NML. There are some overlapping imaging features between benign and malignant breast tumors, different imaging methods such as ultrasonography, mammography and magnetic resonance imaging have their own advantages and disadvantages in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of breast NML. It is difficult to identify and distinguish NML by a single imaging examination, while multimodal imaging technology can improve the accuracy of diagnosis and differential diagnosis for breast NML. The research progress on the imaging features and imaging diagnosis of breast NML are reviewed in this paper.
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