Report of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in China,2011
中文关键词:  肿瘤登记  恶性肿瘤  发病率  死亡率  中国
英文关键词:cancer registry  malignant tumor  incidence  mortality  China
陈万青 国家癌症中心 
郑荣寿 国家癌症中心 
曾红梅 国家癌症中心 
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      摘 要:[目的] 评估2011年我国恶性肿瘤发病与死亡情况。[方法] 按照国家癌症中心制定的审核方法和评价标准对全国234个登记处上报的2011年肿瘤登记数据进行整理和评估,共177个登记处的数据符合标准作为汇总数据,按地区(城乡)、性别、年龄别、肿瘤别发病率和死亡率分层,然后结合2011年全国人口数据,估计全国恶性肿瘤合计和主要肿瘤的发病、死亡情况。中国2000年全国人口普查的人口结构和Segi’s世界人口结构作为标准计算年龄标准化率。[结果] 2011年纳入分析的177个登记处(其中地级以上城市77个,县和县级市100个),覆盖人口共175 310 169人,其中城市人口98 341 507人,占全国登记地区人口数的56.10%,农村76 968 662人,占43.90%。病理诊断比例(MV%)为70.14%,只有死亡证明书比例(DCO%)为2.44%,死亡发病比(M/I)为0.63。据估计,全国2011年新发恶性肿瘤病例约3 372 175例,死亡病例2 113 048例。全国恶性肿瘤发病率为250.28 /10万(男性277.77/10万,女性221.37/10万),中标率为186.34/10万,世标率为182.76/10万,累积发病率(0~74岁)为21.20%。城市地区发病率为261.38/10万,中标发病率为189.89/10万;农村地区发病率为238.60/10万,中标发病率为182.10/10万。全国恶性肿瘤死亡率为156.83/10万(男性194.88/10万,女性116.81/10万),中标死亡率为112.88/10万,世标死亡率为111.82/10万,累积死亡率(0~74岁)为12.69%。城市地区死亡率为154.37/10万,中标死亡率为108.20/10万。农村地区癌症死亡率为159.42/10万,中标死亡率为117.97/10万。肺癌、女性乳腺癌、胃癌、肝癌、结直肠癌、食管癌、宫颈癌、子宫肿瘤、胰腺癌、卵巢癌是我国主要的恶性肿瘤,约占全部新发病例的75%。肺癌、肝癌、胃癌、食管癌、结直肠癌、女性乳腺癌、胰腺癌、脑瘤、宫颈癌和白血病是主要的肿瘤死因,约占全部肿瘤死亡病例的84%。[结论] 我国肿瘤登记覆盖范围较上一年明显增加,数据质量可靠性和代表性逐步提高。肿瘤登记作为肿瘤防治的基础工作,正在发挥不可替代的作用。目前我国肿瘤负担不断增加,卫生部门应积极制定有效的防治措施,遏制肿瘤负担增加的态势。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To estimate the cancer incidence and mortality in China in 2011.[Methods] On basis of the methods and criteria of data quality control made by NCCR,177 registries’ data qualified from 234 submitted registries after data clearance and assessment as pooled data. The data was stratified by area (urban/rural),gender,age group and cancer site,incidence and mortality were calculated combined with national population in 2011. Chinese population census in 2000 and Segi’s population were used for age-standardized incidence/mortality rates.[Results] All 177 cancer registries (77 in urban and 100 in rural) covered a total of 175 310 169 population (98 341 507 in urban areas and 76 968 662 in rural areas),accounted for 13.01% of whole national population in 2011. The morphology verified cases(MV%) accounted for 70.14%,and 2.44% of incident cases were identified through death certifications only(DCO%) with mortality to incidence ratio (MI ratio) of 0.63. It was estimated that new cancer cases and cancer deaths were 3 372 175 and 2 113 048 in 2011,respectively. The crude incidence in China was 250.28/105(male 277.77/105,female 221.37/105),age-standardized incidence by Chinese standard population(ASR China) and by world standard population (ASR world) were 186.34/105 and 182.76/105 with the cumulative incidence (0~74 age years old) of 21.20%. The cancer incidence and ASR China were 261.38/105 and 189.89/105 in urban areas, whereas 238.60/105 and 182.10/105 in rural areas,respectively. The crude mortality in China was 156.83/105(male 194.88/105,female 116.81/105),age-standardized mortalities by Chinese standard population (ASR China) and by world standard population (ASR world) were 112.88/105 and 111.82/105 with the cumulative mortality(0~74 age years old) of 12.69%. The crude cancer mortality and ASR China were 154.37/105 and 108.20/105 in urban areas, and 159.42/105 and 117.97/105 in rural areas,respectively. Cancers of lung cancer,female breast,stomach,liver,colon and rectum,esophagus,cervix,uterus,pancreas and ovary were the most common cancers,accounting for about 75% of all cancer new cases. Lung cancer,liver cancer,gastric cancer,esophageal cancer,colorectal cancer,breast cancer,pancreatic cancer,brain tumor,cervical cancer and leukemia were the leading causes of cancer death,accounted for about 80% of all cancer deaths. [Conclusions] The coverage of cancer registration population had a greater increase than that in the last year. The data quality and representativeness are gradually improved. As the basic work of cancer prevention and control,cancer registry is playing an irreplaceable role. The disease burden of cancer is increasing,the health department has to take effective measures to contain the increased cancer burden in China.
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